Monday, November 13, 2006

Smashing Godwin's Law to Bits

There is a rule that is said to apply to online debating that is known as Godwin's Law. For those of you not wanting to click the link, the basic idea is that whoever compares their opponent to Hitler or the Nazis first loses the debate. Of course there exceptions where, perhaps, you might have a valid comparison to make.

Anyway, all this brings me to the utterly ridiculous title of Jonah Goldberg's new book. Can anyone really believe this? The Clintons were in power for eight years, there was no fascism as a result. Hitler, while Chancellor only took two years to consolidate his power. Incidently, at this time his party did not hold a majority of seats in the Reichstag. I say this so that no one will be inclined to say that Newt Gingrich saved the US from fascism in 1994. The fear-mongering and hysteria implicit in a title and cover of this nature has also been shown impotent by the recent US elections. The GOP's attempts to cast Democrats as a tremendous threat to liberty and the like have finally come up short. The premise of a book like this is stupid at the best of times. Now after the midterms, it has missed its moment too.
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