Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Festivus Miracle?

Well, not really, but here I am at another Christmas (or whatever you do over the winter solstice). For those of you in Southern Ontario, you have to know that here it doesn't much feel like Christmas. The grass is green and the sun is bright - or at least as bright as can be expected three days after the shortest day of the year.

I don't know how I feel about Christmas. One minute I feel like the perfect grinch, if it were never held again I would be find. Another minute I'm caught up in it. After that I might realize that what I'm caught up in is a celebration of greed. It feels like we are all saying a short prayer to St. Gordon Gekko as we pull our Visas out. But we still want gifts, right? You can only make so many "ethical" gifts - people don't want too many donations being made to the Human Fund in their names.