Thursday, April 05, 2007

Self-Hating Canadians at Macleans

The folks at Macleans have delivered another jeremiad about what's wrong with Canada. There's no link on the website yet, but this recent one is on page 32 of this week's issue. After articles in recent weeks about how we aren't competitive in the global economy and how we take too much vacation time, now we get scolded for not having any global brands. Author Andrea Mandel-Campbell twists a Chinese proverb about a tiger and a fox so as to call our nation an economic squirrel. Really.

According to the article, most of the brands that Canada does have are run by immigrants and/or transplanted American executives. I'm not sure why immigrants don't "count" as Canadians in this tirade, but Mandel-Campbell says it is so. Applying this to other countries, does Andrew Carnegie not count as an American success story as he was from Scotland?

Anyway, once again Macleans has another article scolding Canadians as a bunch of timid losers, do they think that this will turn us into a nation of entrepreneurs. Floggings will continue until moral improves.

One final addendum: What about Harper's brand of Conservatism? It's drawn heavily on Harper's mentor, Tom Flanagan, one of those transplanted Americans that Ms. Mandel-Campbell was so concerned about.

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