Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Neatniks of Toronto 1, Culture and Community 0

That's the sense I get upon reading that the city has approved a new anti-postering bylaw. The only reason I've ever heard for such a law is something to the effect that some people don't like the look of posters on utility poles. As far as I can tell this is section of society that simply does not like anything messy. It reminds me of a time I was downtown on Queen Street and I overheard a middle-aged couple complaining about Queen Street and wondering why it couldn't be more like Yorkdale Mall (ie: neat and tidy with ample parking). Queen Street is not Yorkdale nor should it be. If you want to shop at a mall go to the mall people. Anti-poster legislation is something that uptight whiners from the suburbs want to foist on the whole the city. I have news for these sorts of busybodies, some people like posters, some people want to know what's going on in their community! Apparently the city council doesn't care though... This is disappointing.