Saturday, June 18, 2005

Stupid Quote

Lou Dobbs made this insightful observation tonight:
"when you are talking about American military men and women, just -- if you can't say something nice, just shut-up, because these people are actually doing the nation's work,"

Wow. Okay, first of all, the standard disclaimer that most people who enlist are probably as decent as the rest of us. Still though, this is deranged talk. Only say nice things about the military? When you put that stipulation on the discussion, it allows monsters to be bred in secret. One of the things that I like about Canada is that we aren't afraid of some serious self-examination. After Somalia, we had big public inquiry into what happened. Did it hurt the image of the military? Undoubtedly, but we had the courage to face what happened. Preventing criticism in such an important place as a nation's military is a path to dangerous things.