When Terrorists Attack
Bob Harris has an excellent post that pretty much sums up conventional wisdom on how to deal with terror attacks. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry, read on:
However, we seem to have arrived at a series of sensible precautions:Yes, a plan...
Be very wary of anyone or anything random around you.
If you're on the street, and some random guy walks by, don't just be a victim -- protect yourself. Run.
Any random-looking package should be considered suspicious. Point these out to police when you see them.
Random buildings will be the terrorists' next logical target. Avoid them.
If you see any random object, alert others. Scream if you must.
And if confronted by any random situation, don't do anything random in response.
This will only make things worse.
Instead, go somewhere specific. Do specific things with specific people, and await rescue.
Feels much better to have a plan.
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