Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Drugs Work.... So What?

All over the internet, there has been some story bouncing around about a study into the effects of Magic Mushrooms. Apparently researcher found that they really do lead to these spiritual sorts of experiences. So what are the implications, aside from a bunch of stoners saying "duh" to the researchers? Well Juan Cole came up with this:
The human mind has the capacity to feel the oneness of things, to put aside selfish ego and the violence, psychic and physical, that it promotes. The drug just demonstrates that the capacity is there. This was known. The question is, what one does with it. A peak experience can just be an experience. Or it can be the beginning of a more fulfilled, kind and giving life. The drug by itself is no more important than a parlor trick. As with anything in life, it matters what is done with it. And, the true mystic does not need mushrooms to have peak experiences.
Indeed. (Nod to Andrew Sullivan).