Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tim O'Reilly has never been in a car with me

There are some attempts being made by the Wise Old Men of the internets to regulate what people say on blogs (h/t Dennis Perrin). I won't delve into the obvious the problems of such a code of conduct (Mr. Perrin did a better job of that anyway) but one line stood out to me:
"We won't say anything online that we wouldn't say in person."
Well isn't that a charming statement, but what does "in person" mean? In person drunk at a bar? In person in church? In person at a sporting contest of some sort?

The term "in person" is one that is deeply contextualized. By way of my title, I have a confession, while I am often very mild-mannered, when driving I tend to make frank remarks about drivers around me. I use slang terms to describe those that cannot move out of the left lane while doing 80km/h on the 401 or those that cannot figure out how to turn their vehicles or use the appropriate signaling devices.

Often times these slang descriptions may attack said poor drivers by way of suggesting that they ought to engage bizarre sexual acts, I may also assault the reputation of their mothers, or suggest that they lack certain reproductive organs. On several occasions I have suggested that their relatives may be sex-trade workers (I feel I must apologize for this as I'm sure that many sex-trade workers who have whole families of commendable drivers).

Is this the kind of "in person" language that I am supposed to use on blogs?

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