Thursday, July 13, 2006


This post (via Atrios) just killed me. Apparently the targets that the Department of Homeland Security is concerned about include "Mall at Sears," a "Mule Day Parade," and "Bean Fest" among others.

Yes, Bin Laden is sitting there plotting how to strike the infidel where it really hurts - at Bean Fest! Or at least that's how people in some of these places that are thinking. I can picture it now, all these small town sherriffs with delusions of grandeur being eager to put their town on the terror watch list. You know, they look around, and they just can't find any skyscrapers or significant military installations, but they are certain, just absolutely certain, that the terror will hit their home town. So they start grasping for anything - anything at all, so they can put their little towns on the map - the terror map! "Jasper, ah reckon th' tarrists is gonna wanna hit us hard - at, umm, at.... th' tackle shop!"

And just like that, another one-stoplight town is on the list, all while NYC's anti-terror funding is cut.