Tuesday, January 02, 2007

What's in all those tubes?

Spacing has a post on the best graffiti in Toronto over the past year. Surprise, it looks better than a bunch of Nike ads. By its very nature, graffiti is ephemeral, so you'd better look for this stuff soon, before it's gone.

Josh Marshall is uneasy about Saddam's execution. Not because Saddam didn't deserve it, but because the process is looking more and more suspect. Money quote:
"But if justice were simply a matter of bad men meeting bad ends, then Iraq today would be awash in justice."
Indeed, go read the rest of it.

Meanwhile, Juan Cole points out that the Sunni Baathists who supported Saddam are not taking this execution thing very well. Apparently they are attacking a very important Shi'a shrine. Oh swell.

In the meantime, Dennis Perrin wages a somewhat lonely battle against the canonization of Gerald Ford. Was there ever a really good reason for allowing/encouraging the Indonesian invasion of East Timor?

Image: Pipeline Construction by Harry Dix (yes that's his real name).