Thursday, September 20, 2007

Amateur Hour at Queen and Bay

First Toronto was going to close all community centres on Monday, now they'll stay open. This follows on the heels of re-opening the tax debate and then not re-opening the tax debate. This brouhaha has been rather frustrating to watch. I was excited about Miller in 2003 and I was will to give him another shot in 2006 but I'm quickly running out of patience. One of the problems that has hamstrung Toronto for the past ten years has been funding, yet if these closures were part of a way to put funding on the provincial election agenda, it seems that city council cannot even figure out how to do that.

We look disorganized, we look like we really ought not to be trusted with any more money. I'd probably choose Miller over any number of the right-wing hacks on city council that might run against him, but I feel like he's squandering his mandate.

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